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when the coming of the first Robni or Grackle announces the birth of a new bird year, no evidences of a regular migratory movement are to be observed ; and this can be said of no other season. Bird-Hfe, however, is by no means at a standstill, the irregular wanderings of many winter birds, such as the Crossbills, Redpolls, and Pine Grosbeak, which may be abundant some years and absent others, always giving the bird-lover something to look and to hope for. Again, we may find in some sheltered spot a waif or stray of the migration, perhaps a Hermit Thrush, Dove, or Robin, or even a Thrasher ; while on one surprising occasion a Blue-winged Warbler was actually seen in January (January 6, 1900, Bronx Park. See Bird- Lore, igoo, pp. 26, 59). Food is now the controlling factor in a bird's life, and from the Herring Gulls in our harbor to the J uncos at our doorstep the move- ments of birds are governed by the supply of food. This, then, is the season when, by catering to their wants, we may establish relations with birds who are strangers to us in the summer. Nor should we confine our labors to our dooryards, but remember the Bob-Whites, and the White-throated and Song Sparrows, who are picking up a scanty living in the fields and woods. PERMANENT RESIDENTS Bob-White, Ruffed Grouse, Red-shouldered Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Broad- winged Hawk,* Marsh Hawk, Sparrow Hawk, Duck Hawk,* Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper's Hawk,* Bald Eagle,* Screech Owl, Long-eared Owl,* Short-eared Owl, Barred Owl, Great Horned Owl,* Downy Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Flicker, Ameri- can Crow, Fish Crow, Blue Jay, Starling (local), Meadowlark, Song Sparrow, House Sparrow, American Goldfinch, European Goldfinch (local). Purple Finch, Cardinal* (local), Cedar Waxwing, Carolina Wren* (local). Tufted Titmouse* (local). White- breasted Nuthatch, Bluebird. WINTER VISITANTS Regula)-. — Herring Gull (other Gulls, and water birds are found in the Lower Bay and similar favorable places). Rough-legged Hawk, Acadian Owl,* Horned Lark, Prairie Horned Lark, Ipswich Sparrow (coast only). White-throated Sparrow, Junco, Tree Sparrow, Northern Shrike,* Myrtle Warbler, Winter Wren, Brown Creeper, Golden-crowned Kinglet. Ifregidar. — Goshawk, Snowy Owl, Pine Finch, Redpoll, Snowflake (more regular near the coast), Lapland Longspur,* American Crossbill, White-winged Crossbill, Pine Grosbeak, Red-breasted Nuthatch. DECEMBER AND JANUARY BIRD-LIFE NEAR PHILADELPHIA Bv WiTMER Stone December and January in this vicinity constitute a period of 'winter rest' in bird-life, between the disappearance of the last band of late fall migrants and the pioneer spring arrivals from the south. ♦Uncommon.