Oberholtser, H. C, 203. Oberlin College, 14. Ohio, 14, 56, 60, 186. Old-squaw, 56, 186. Ontario, 150. Oriole, orchard, 56, 57 ; Baltimore, 23, 56, 57, 74 ; nest of, figured, 118. Osprey, 56, 89 ; nest of, figured, 89. Ovenbird, 57, 72, 73, 74. Owl, Acadian, 184, 185; Barn, 66, 185, 186; Barred, 184, 185, 186, 187; Great Homed, 184, 185, 186; Hawk, 186; Long-eared, 184, 185, 186, 187; Screech, 59, 183, 184, 185, 186, .187; figured, 140; Short-eared, 56, 184, 185, 186, 187 ; Snowy, 1S4, 185, 186. Owls, 66. Palmer's (W.) 'Avifauna of the Pribilof Islands,' reviewed, 29. Palmer's (T. S.) 'Legislation for the Protection of Birds other than Gamebirds,' reviewed, 124 ; 'Re- view of Economic Ornithology,' reviewed, 159; ' Information Concerning Game,' reviewed, 197. Palmer, T. S., 126, 128, 196, 202, 203. Patagonia, 70. Pearson's 'Preliminary Catalogue of the Birds of Chapel Hill, N. C.,' reviewed, 61. Pearson, T. J., 13, 25. Pewee, hyoid of, figured, 8; Say's, 89 ; Wood, 56, 57i 72. Pelican, brown, 29. Penguin, tongue of, figured, 7. Pennsylvania, 60, 108, 121, i,sq, 184. Phcebe, 56, 57, 186. Photographs, alleged, from nature, 160. Pigeon, Black, Sea, 66; Carrier, 102, 145; figured, 103, 144; common, 142. Piers, Harry, 13. Pipit, American, 56, 185, 187, 189. Pledges, 63. Plover, Semipalmated, 57. Plumes, 50. Poppenheim, Christie H., 65. Porto Rico, 126. Postmasters and Plume-Birds, 66. Praeger's ' Birds in Horticulture,' reviewed, 61. Pratt, G. B., 126. Press Committee and Audubon Societies, 33. Pribilof Islands, 28. Prince Edward Island, 126. Ptarmigan, destruction of, 204. Ptarmigan Rock, 175; White-tailed, figured, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174; Willow, 175. Rathbun, W. C, 13. Reading, Suggestions for, 191. Redpoll, 177, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187. Redstart, 57. Regent-bird, 138; nest of , figured, 137; bower of, figured, 139. Reverse Scent, Law of, 106. Rhode Island, 89, 118, 126, 164. Richmond, C. W., 12. Ridgway, Robert, 12, 33. Rives, W. C, 13. Robin, 23, 24, 26, 41, 56, 57, 70, 72, 74, 75, 117,118, 119,120,183, 186, 187; figured, 41, 42 ; Varied, 189 ; Western, 189. Robin, Redbreast, 60. Robinson, Francis B., 120. Roberts, T. S., 12. Russell, Miss Clara, 131. Sage, J. H., 12,59. Sandpiper, Bartramian, 56, 57; Least, 57; Pec- toral, 57 ; Solitary, 56, 57 ; Spotted, 56. 57. Sanford, Frank E., 65. Sapsucker, 56, 57, 186 ; tongue of, figured, 8. Satin-bird, 135; bower of , figured, 136. Savage, David L., 126. Seixas, Cecile, Death of, 166. Sense of Altitudes, 141. Sense of Direction, 141. Seton-Thompson, Ernest, 13. Shrike, California, 189; Loggerhead, 57; North- ern, 1S3, 1S4, 185, 186, 187. Shutter, Focal Plane, 38. Siskin, Pine, 118. Skylark, 69. Smith College, 83. Smyth, W. A., 65. Snipe, Surf, 66; Wilson's, 56, 57. Snowflake, 183, 184, 185, 186. Solitaire, Townsend's, 189. Song-birds, American, 69 ; European, 69. South Carolina, 25, 65. Southwick, J. M., 13. Sparrow, Chipping, 26, 56, 57, 72, 82, 86, 90 ; Eng- lish, 26, 54, 69, 71 ; Field, 56, 57, 72, 73, 74, 86, 185 ; Fox, 56, 57, 1S7 ; Gambel's, 189; Golden- crowned, 189 ; Grasshopper, 56, 57, 74 ; Hen- law's, 74; House, 183, 184, 185, 187 ; Ipswich, 184, 186; Lark, 74; Lincoln, 109, figured, no; Samuel's Song, 188 ; Savanna, 56, 186 ; Sharp- tailed, 186 ; Song, 19, 24, 56, 72, 86, 183, 184, 185, 186; Swamp, 56, 57; Townsend, 189; Tree, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187; Vesper, 56, 57, 186; White- crowned, 57 ; White-throated, 56, 57, 184, 185, 186, 187. Starling, 184. Stern, Louis, 66. Stockwell, Thomas B., 130. Stone, Witmer, 12, 13, 29, 30, 33, 60, 93, 94. Strong, Isobel, 31. Study. Suggestions for, 190. Swallow, Bank, 56, 57,82; Barn, 56, 57, 82; Cliff, 57; nests of, figured, 100; Eave, 82; Sea, 66. Tree, 56, 82. Swallows, tongues of, 6. Swift, Chimney, 56, 57, 72, 109. Swifts, Tongues of, 6. Tanager, Scarlet, 57, 83, 86 ; Summer, 72, 73. Teal, Green-winged, 56. Telescope, 113. Tern, Black-head Least, 66; Gray-headed Least 66; Poster, 163, 164; Royal, 66. Terns, 60, 62, 90, 127.