The Child Life Readers BY ETTA AUSTIN BLAISDELL Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Brockton, Mass. CHILD LIFE— A First Reader Price, 25 cts. II. III. IV. CHILD LIFE IN TALE AND FABLE A Second Reader .... CHILD LIFE IN MANY LANDS A Third Reader Price, 35 cts. In preparation CHILD LIFE IN LITERATURE— A Fourth Reader In preparation The central idea of these books is to hold the child' s interest by giving him reading-matter (profusely illustrated) that he can utiderstand and enjoy. The lessons, therefore, relate exclusively to chiui life. The First and Second Readers have easier readi>ig-7natter and more of it than do most of the other readers now available for first and second year. They have been graded with the utmost care. These books, beginning with the Second Reader, have been planned as an introduc- tion to literature. The subject-matter, therefore, is confined to material of recognized literary value. The aim of the publishers has been to produce an ai'tistic set of Readers that shall be mechanically as nearly perfect as possible. As a unique feature in binding, they would call attention to the coi'ers, ichich are zuater-froof, and can be cleansed, when soiled by constant handling, without injury to the book. Recent Publications on Nature Study BAILEY'S Lessons with Plants $1.10 Suggestions for Seeing and Interpreting some of the Common Forms of Vegetation. BAILEY'S First Lessons with Plants. . 40 cts. net " E.xtremely original and unusually practical." HARDING'S The Liquefaction of Gases. Its Rise and Development $1.50 Complete and scientific, in a poinilar style. INGERSOLL'S Wild Neighbors $1.50 " Instructive as well as delightful." — Popular Science Monthly. JACKMAN'S Nature Study for Grammar Grades % net Proposes a few of the problems within the comprehension of grammar school pupils, which arise in a thoughtful study of nature, with suggestions for their solution. LANGE'S Hand-Book of Nature Study $1 net "The style of the book is fresh and inspiring." LANGE'S Our Native Birds. How to Protect Them and Attract Them to Our Homes. Ju%t ready. MURChE'S Science Readers. Vol. I. 25 cents. Vol. IV. 40 cents tict. Vol. II. 25 cents. Vol. V. 50 cents net. Vol. III. 40 cents. Vol. VI. 50 cents net. WEED'S Life Histories of American Insects. $1.50 " An unusually attractive book." — Dial. WILSON'S Nature Study in Elementary Schools. First N.ture Rk.dkr 35 cents Second N.ture Re.ader 35 cents Teacher's M.anual 90 cents See, also, the new book by Mrs. Wright, described on another page PUBLISHED BY THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, New York