Phoebe, 128, 130
Pinchot, Professor, 202.
Pintail, 128.
Pipit, American, 128.
Plover, American Golden, 128.
Prentiss, D. W., 142.
Purdie, H. A., 142.
Quail, 91, 93.
Quills to Avoid, figured, 169, 171.
Quincy, Josiah, Mayor, 137.
Rail, Yellow, 128 ; Virginia, 128.
Razor-bill, 81.
Redstart, 55, 93, 128.
Reynaud, Capt., 202.
Rhode Island, 134.
Richards, Harriet E. , 102.
Roberts, T. S., 202.
Robertson, Howard, 62.
Robinson, Mildred A., 57.
Rowley, John, 202.
Rubbish Heap, Artificial, 109.
Sandpiper, Least, 55, 128; Pectoral, 128; Semipalmated, 128 ; Solitary, 55, 128.
Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied, 54, 128.
Scoter, American, 128 ; Surf, 128 ; White-winged, 128.
Sennett, George B., ig8.
Sharpe, R. Bowdler, 61.
{{hi|Shrike, Northern, 6, 128, 181.
Shufeldt, R. W., 142..
Sketch Book of British Birds, reviewed, 61.
Skimmer, Black, figured, 81 ; nest and eggs of, figured, 82.
Skylark, 157.
Siskin, Pine, 128.
Snipe, Wilson's, 54, 128.
Snow Buntings, 180, 300.
Solitaire, Townsends, 47.
Stake-driver, 124.
Starling, 57.
Stejneger, Leonhard, 195.
Swan, 26.
Swift, Chimney, 54, 78, 92, 128.
Tanager, Scarlet, 55, 128.
Tatlock, John, Jr., 132.
Taylor, Henry Reed, 62.
Teal, Blue-winged, 128 ; Green-winged, 128.
Tern, Gull-billed, 82 ; figured, 82 ; Wilson's, 205 ; figured, 206.
Thayer, Abbott, 200.
'The Birds of Eastern North America, ' reviewed, 200.
'The Birds of Ontario in Relation to Agriculture,' reviewed, 133.
'The Danger of Introducing Noxious Animals and Birds,' noticed, 134.
'The Feeding Habit of the Chipping Sparrow, and the Winter Food of the Chickadee,' reviewed, 97.
'The First Book of Birds,' reviewed, 167.
'The Osprey,' 135.
Thrasher, Brown, 25, 54, 91, 128, 151.
Torrey, Bradford, 202.
Towhee, 54.
Tree Trunk, Artificial, ro8.
Van Name, Willard G., 31.
Veery, 55, 128.
Vermont, 166.