Photographing Shy Wild Birds and Beasts at Home m
photographer is being hauled up a chff, and, after dropping a hundred feet or so, aHghting pkimp on the head of the unsuspecting camera man. My brother has had one or two narrow escapes of this kind, though never the shadow of one from a chafing rope. Upon setting forth to photograph the eyries of cliff - breeding PHOTOGRAPHING A CORMORAiNT From Kearton's ' Wild Life at Home,' copyrighted by Cassell cS: Co., Ltd. birds, we equip ourselves with (i) our ropes; (2) a stout crowbar: (3) a good, strong, level-headed assistant (nervous or careless assist- ants should be studiously avoided, as the one kind of man is as dan- gerous as the other), that can be relied upon; (4) a revolver; (5) a camera ; (6) a photographer who. in addition to being a good athlete