Henshaw, H. W. , 142, 202. Heron, Black - crowned Night, 54, 128; Green, 54, 92, 128; Great Blue, 128.
Hodge, C. F. , 161, 162, 167.
Holder, J. B., 142.
Hornbrooke, Orinda, 102.
Howe, Reginald Heber, Jr., 134.
Hubbard, Marion C, 202.
Hummingbird, 55, 128, 155 ; nest of, figured, 156.
Iowa, 43, 152.
Jay, Blue, g6, iSi ; Oregon, 46, 72 ; figured, 48, 72, 73, 75 ; Stellers', 46.
Judd, Sylvester D., 134.
Kingbird, 39, 55, 92, 128.
Kingfisher, 54, 128.
Knight, O. W., 62.
Lacey-Hoar Bird Bill, 63.
Land Birds of Pacific District, 146.
Prairie Horned, 152; figured, 152, 153.
Lawrence, Geo. M., 142.
' List of Birds of Belknap and Merrimac Counties,' reviewed, 98.
Lodge, G. E., 97.
Loon, 40, 41, 128 ; nest and eggs of, figured, 42 ; Red-throated, 128.
Lucas, F. A., 200, 202.
Magpie, 96.
Maine Ornithological Society, 62.
Mallard, 128.
Martin, European, nest and young of, figured, 122 ; Purple, 54, 120, 12S.
Maryland Yellow Throat, 55, 151.
Maynard, C. J., 62.
{{hi|Maynard, Mrs. L. W. , 25.
McCormick, A. I., 62.
McCormick, L. M., 202.
Meadowlark, 92, 128, 183.
Mearns, E. A., 142, 202.
Merganser, Hooded, 128 ; Red-breasted, 128.
Merriam, C. Hart, 127, 142, 145, 146, 169, 202.
Migration, 54, 128, 145, 169.
Missouri, 27, 115.
Morrill, C. H., 62.
Nash, Charles W., 133.
Nature Study, 51, 62, 193.
Nest-building, 50.
Nest-holder, 197.
New Hampshire, 98, 180.
New Jersey, 78, 116, iig, 128, 132, 177, 187.
Newton, Alfred, 199.
Newton, Dr. Heber, 31.
Nighthawk, 55, 128; figured, 114.
Nova Scotia, 113.
Nutcracker, 46, 72.
Nuttall 'Bulletin,' 143, 144.
Nuttall Ornithological Club, 143.
Oberholser, H. C. , 173, 200.
{{hi|Ohio, 27.
Olds, Henry, 173.
Old-squaw, 128.
'On the Birds' Highway,' reviewed, 134.
Oregon, 46, 72.
Oriole, Baltimore, 55, 91, 128 ; Orchard, 55.
Osprey, 54, 128.
'Our Animax Friends,' 16S.
'Our Common Birds,' reviewed, 167.
Ovenbird, 55, 128.
Owl, Barred, 117 ; Richardson's, 190 ; figured, 190, 191; Saw-whet, 182; Screech, figured, 154 ; Short-eared, 128 ; Snowy, 128, 180 ; figured, 181.
Palmer, Alice Freeman, 102.
Parkhurst, H. E. , 200.
Patterson, Virginia Sharpe, 200.
Pelican, Brown, 169, 171.
Pewee, Wood, 55, 92, 128.