Bluebird, 43, 150 ; figured, 43, 44.
Bobolink, 55, 92, 117, 128.
Boynton, Helen M., 98.
British Columbia, 98.
Brooks, William R., 132.
Brown, Elizabeth V., 173.
Brown, Nathan C. , 142.
Brownell, L. W., 63.
Bunting, Indigo, 55, 128.
California, 62.
Campbell, A. J., 202.
Canada, 40, 133, 171.
Cardinal, 57. 83, 132 ; figured, 84, 85, 86.
Catbird, 54, 91, 128, 163, 166; figured, 87, 88.
Cedarbird, 92, 166; figured, i6r.
Chamberlain, M., 142.
Chapman, Frank M., 26, 31, 32, 127, 202.
Chat, Yellow-breasted, 55.
Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, 168.
'Check-list of British Columbia Birds,' reviewed, 98.
Check-list of North American Birds, 147.
Clark, Josephine A., 62.
Code of Nomenclature, 145.
Cohen, Donald, 62.
Connecticut, 27, 128, 166.
Cooke, W. W., 146.
Cooper Ornithological Club, 62.
Coot, American, 128.
Cormorants, Double-crested, 71.
Cory, C. B., 142.
Coues, Elliott, 135, 142, 144.
Coues' ' Key,' 98.
Cowbird, 54, 93, 128.
Creeper, Brown, 57, 128, 181, 195; figured, 195.
Crow, 92, 164, 177, 181, 184; figured, 177, 184.
Crow, Fish, 54.
Crow, Clark's, 46, 72; figured, 47, 72, 74, 76.
Cuckoo, Black-billed, 55, 93, 128, i66 ; Yellow-billed, 55, 128, 166.
Davis, W. T. , 200.
Dearborn, Ned, 98.
Delaware, 179.
Dickey Downy, reviewed, 200.
Diver, Great Northern, 40.
Dove, Mourning, 128.
Duck, American Scaup, 128 ; Black, 128 ; Buffle-head, 128 ; Lesser Scaup, 128 ; Ring-necked, 128 ; Ruddy, 128.
Dutcher, William, 103, 127.
Eagle, Bald, 170, 171, 181 ; Golden, figured, 176.
Eckstorm, Fannie Hardy, 98.
' Economic Relations of Birds and Their Food,' noticed, 134.
Egg Collecting, 61.
Elliot, D. G., 142.
Evans, A. H. , 97.
Fannin, John, 98.
February Walk Contest, 57.
'Field Key to the Land Birds,' reviewed, 167.
Finch, Purple, 54.
Fisher, A. K. , 127, 142.
Florida, 45, 63.
Flycatcher, Alder, 55 ; Crested, 55 ; Green-crested, 55 ; Least, 54, 128; Olive-sided, 55 ; Yellow-bellied, 55.
Gadow, Hans, 199.
Gannets, 70 ; figured, 70.
Gill, Theodore, 135.
Gleeson, Joseph M., 199.
Goose, Canada, 128, 181.
Goshawk, American, 128, 180.
Grackle, Bronzed, 128.
Grant, Annie M., 133.
Grebe, Pied-billed, 54, 128.
Grinnell, George Bird, 146.
Grosbeak, Pine, 183 ; Rose-breasted, 55, 92, 128, 166.
Grouse, Blue, 46.
Gull, Herring, 71.
Harvey, L. D., 98.
Hawk, Cooper's, 128 ; Marsh, 128 ; Pigeon, 54, 128; Rough - legged, 181: Sharp-shinned, 128 ; Sparrow, 54.