Robins, Julia Stockton, Sec'y, f^eporjt of, 66, 204. 1/(1 <r Id/, i:/,;)l94ri,
Robinson, Mildred A., '4^ ^^'prfi^ryj ^^Ik,'
Roosevelt, Theodore, Letter from, 65.
Sage, John H. , ' Fall Migration at Portland, Conn.,' 128.
Schwab, L. H. , 'An Odd Nesting Site, ' 166.
Slosson, Annie Trumbull, ' A Tragic St. Valentine's Day,' 45.
Smith, Anna Harris, ' On the Ethics of Caging Birds,' 160.
Smith, W. Gordon, photograph by, 177.
Soule, Caroline G., 'Birds and Caterpillars, ' 166 ; ' Humanizing the Birds,' 193.
Taylor, John W., President, report of, 67.
Thomas, Edith M., 'The Masquerading Chickadee,' 77.
Thompson, Ernest Seton, 'The Myth of the Song Sparrow,' 59.
Torrey, Bradford, ' Watching the Bittern Pump,' 123.
Tyler, D. T. A., Audubon's Seal, 172.
Van Altena, Edward, photograph by, 116.
Van Dyke, Henry, 'The Angler's Reveille," 150.
Van Sant, Florence A., 'Zip and Phoebe, A Catbird Story, 130.
Widmann, Otto, ' In the Spartina with the Swallows, '115.
Webster, Ellen E., An Interesting Phoebe's Nest, 197.
A Dictionary of Birds, reviewed, 199.
Adney, Tappan, 202.
Advisory Council, 192.
Allen, J. A., 127, 142, 144, 169.
Aldrich, Chas., 142.
American Ornithologists' Union, 142, 143, 169.
Audubon Calendar, 200.
Audubon Societies, reports of. See under names of Secretaries.
Auk, The, 146, 147.
Babcock, C. A., 62.
Bailey, H. B., 142.
Baird, S. F., 142.
Baldpate, 128.
Ball, Helen A., 167.
Barlow, Chester, 62, 168.
Bartsch, Paul, 200.
Batchelder, C. F. , 142.
Beal, F. E. L., 134.
Belding, Lyman, 146.
Bendire, C. E. , 142.
Bicknell, E. P., 142.
Bickmore, Professor, 32.
Bird Collecting, 135, 168.
Bird Houses, figured, 60.
Bird-Lore, 28, 63, 201.
'Bird Migration in Mississippi Valley, ' 146.
' Birds, ' reviewed, 97.
Birds and Farmers, 103.
' Birds as Weed Destroyers, ' reviewed, 134.
Birds' Christmas Tree, 195.
Birds, Songs of, 96.
' Birds Through an Opera-glass,' 168.