DILLON. Sidney generally consulted him and Francis Agarde, Esq. in a l l matters o f consequence, and found him s o faithful and trusty, that h e used t o call him meus fidelis Lucas.” I n 1567, h e was made attorney-general; o n the 18th o f October, 1572, was constituted chief baron o f the ex chequer, and one o f the privy council, and was knighted b y Sir Henry Sidney a t Drogheda, i n 1576. I n 1583, Sir John Plunket, chief justice o f the Queen's Bench, dying, her majesty resolved t o appoint for his successor, “her trusty and well-beloved servant, Sir Lucas Dillon, chief baron, a s a personage, whom for his very good and faith ful service, and for his good deserts and sufficiency every way, she thought not only worthy o f that place, but o f a better; yet, upon good consideration, and finding, b y himself, that h e was able t o do her better service i n the place h e then had, than i f h e had the other, was pleased, upon his recommendation, t o appoint James Dowdall, second justice o f the said bench, t o discharge the place o f chief justice; and, a s some recompence t o him, did, by privy seal, dated a t Greenwich, 5th June, 1583, confer upon him the office o f seneschal (which h e then held) and t o his heirs male, o f the hundred o r barony o f Kilkenny West, over the surname o f Dillon, and other the inhabi tants there, with a l l and singular the commodities and profits unto the same office belonging; a s also a lease o f such crown lands, spiritual and temporal a s h e should nominate, amounting t o 70l. a year, for sixty years, a t the accustomed rent; i n lieu whereof, h e surrendered t o the queen, (30th October) a l l his right and title t o the town and lands o f Athlone, which h e challenged t o have be longed t o the chief o f the Dillons before this time.” I n 1584, the L . D . Perrott, sent him t o the queen, t o give account o f his proceedings i n Ireland, from his first arrival, i n the execution o f his office; i n doing which, h e gave her majesty such satisfaction, that she made very honourable mention o f him, and expressed the high esteem she had for him, i n the postcript o f her letter t o the deputy, dated 20th January. On the 26th April, 1587, h e was