75 the most probable means of restoring i t s original regularity and usefulness, that i t should b e visited by some ladies o f consequence, i n rotation, rightly judging, that the wants o f young children, the negligence o f nurses, and the gene ral management o f such a n institution fell more within their sphere o f observation than o f any gentlemen, how ever wise o r discerning they might be. Her offer was accepted; and she soon had many ladies associated with her
but her visits only were punctual and assiduous; she felt the importance o f the office she had undertaken, and finding herself gradually deserted b y her associates, took the whole charge upon herself, and devoted not only her time and attention t o the concern—but supported i t b y several pecuniary contributions, which from time t o time were found wanting. She reproved the offending and encouraged the good; she provided every article that became necessary, and engaged the nurses t o fulfil their duties with greater tenderness and alacrity, (especially t o the weak and sickly,) b y suitable rewards. These endea vours were attended with the happiest success; the num bers o f those that had died since the superintendance o f this admirable woman, had decreased i n the proportion o f ten t o one; and b y the economy she had established, many more were provided for than before with the same sum; but the undertaking was too extensive for a private purse, however liberally opened, t o answer a l l i t s defalcations. She therefore solicited and obtained a benefaction t o the charity, from his majesty; commenced the building o f a chapel, t o which the earl o f Northumberland subscribed 100l., and which stimulated others t o follow his example. She caused, i n 1764, the state o f the charity t o b e laid before parliament, stating the debts remaining unpaid, and the necessity o f extending the plan, s o a s fully t o answer i t s original design. A committee was appointed, and i n consequence o f i t s report, the following resolutions were unanimously agreed to. “That for three years past, b y the particular and constant attention o f the Right Hon. Lady Arabella Denny, whose direction the officers and ser