619 This succeeded, and a l l hope t o the besieged seemed t o b e destroyed. Walker, perceiving the danger o f a general defection, assembled his wretched garrison i n the cathedral, and endeavoured t o inspire them with a reliance o n Providence. I n this h e was s o successful, that they returned t o their labours invigorated, and immediately had the happiness t o discover three ships, under the command o f Major-General Kirk, who had sent a message t o Walker before, intimating that when h e could hold out n o longer, h e would raise the siege a t the hazard o f himself, his men, and his vessels. Whilst both parties were preparing for the dreadful trial, Kirk sailed round the bar, under a heavy discharge from the enemy, and succeeded i n cross ing i t , b y which the siege was raised i n the night o f July 21, 1689. Resigning now the command o f the garrison, h e came t o England, where h e was most graciously received b y their majesties, and, i n Nov. 1689, received the thanks o f the House o f Commons, having just before published a n account o f the siege. He was also created D.D. b y the university o f Oxford, and nominated t o the bishopric o f Derry. But h e was induced t o return t o Ireland with King William, and was killed July 1 , 1690, a t the battle o f the Boyne, having resolved t o serve that campaign before h e took possession o f his bishopric. “The king,” says Tillotson, i n a letter dated April 1689, “besides his first bounty t o Mr. Walker, whose modesty i s equal t o his merit, hath made him bishop o f Londonderry, one o f the best bishoprics i n Ireland; that s o h e may receive the reward o f that great service i n the place where h e did i t . I t i s incredible how much every body i s pleased with what the king hath done i n this matter; and i t i s n o small joy t o me t o see, that God directs him t o d o wisely.” Mr. Walker published h i s account o f the siege o f Lon donderry, which was succeeded b y other pamphlets b y him, and from the pens o f others.