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607 extreme, and he now expressed his conviction, that a l l attempts t o restore the enegy o f his system would prove ineffectual. From this time t o the 4th October, when he expired, his strength gradually failed him; but during the whole o f his illness h e had neither pain nor fever, and h e may b e said t o have died o f complete exhaustion rather than o f disease. Captain Tuckey, a t the time o f his de cease, had just attained his fortieth year. The few survivors o f this ill-fated expedition, will long cherish the memory o f Captain Tuckey. His benevolence was boundless. A poor black o f South Africa, who i n his youth had been kidnapped b y a slave dealer, was put o n board the Congo while i n the Thames, with the view o f restoring him t o his friends and country, neither o f which turned out t o b e i n the neighbourhood o f the Zaire, and h e was brought back t o England. This black was publicly baptized a t Deptford church b y the name o f Benjamin Peters; having learned t o read o n the passage out b y Captain Tuckey's instructions, o f whom h e speaks i n the strongest terms o f gratitude and affection. Captain Tuckey was generous t o a fault, and knew nothing o f the value o f money, except a s i t enabled him t o gratify the feelings o f a benevolent heart. His present majesty was graciously pleased t o settle a pension o f 120l. per annum, o n h i s widow, and 25l. per annum o n each o f his four children, o f whom the youngest was born since his father's departure for Africa. RICHARD TYRREL, A Native o f Ireland, was introduced into the navy, under the patronage o f that gallant and much revered admiral, Sir Peter Warren, who was his uncle. Though h e i s said t o have been appointed t o the rank o f post captain i n the Superbe, we find his first commission, which i s dated the 26th o f December, 1743, was t o the Launceston. I n 1755, w e find him captain o f the Ipswich, o f sixty-four guns, one o f the ships put into commission ~

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