- 563 h i s country, a s one o f the principal founders o f the staple o f Irish commerce, the linen trade. He was born July 28, 1655, a t Callow, i n the county o f Limerick, which county h e afterwards represented i n parliament, t i l l called t o the peerage b y the title o f Baron Southwell o f Castle mattress. In his office of commissioner of the revenue, which was first bestowed o n him b y King William, h e much encouraged and promoted the trade and commerce o f Ireland; the injured merchant ever finding a speedy redress t o his grievances, from his impartial administration o f justice. To his interest principally, was owing the set tlement a t Lisburn o f the ingenious Mr. Lewis Cromelin, who i s generally allowed t o have been o f the utmost im portance t o that branch o f trade, b y the manufactures h e brought and settled there, and very instrumental i n bring ing i t b y his skill and industry t o considerable perfection, for which h e received a parliamentary reward. I n 1709, upwards o f six thousand poor Germans, who had been driven b y the calamities o f war from the Palatinate, sought a refuge i n England, through which country they were dispersed; until several hundred families were sent t o Ireland, many o f whom, b y the generosity o f Sir Tho mas Southwell, were settled o n his estate i n Limerick, where principally through his encouragement and protec tion, they had flourished s o much a s t o form, i n 1760, the population o f three villages. This worthy and patriotic citizen died suddenly, August 4 , 1720, and was buried a t Rathkeale. - CAPTAIN STACKPOLE, or, STACKPOOLE, Was descended from the ancient family o f that name i n the county o f Clare, and was a skilful and fearless com mander, but was unfortunately slain i n a duel, under the following extraordinary circumstances. Four years pre ceding the catastrophe, a naval officer inquired o f Lieuteā€¯ nant Cecil i f h e knew Captain Stackpole o f the Statira frigate. Lieutenant Cecil replied h e did, and had the