vicarage of Ryegate, in Surrey, on the presentation of Mr. R. James, son of Sir R. James, Knt. whose sister he married, a widow lady of considerable property. In 1649,
he resigned his fellowship of Exeter college, and continued chaplain to Archbishop Usher while that prelate lived. In 1663, he was instituted to the living of Camberwell, in Surrey; and appears to have been some time rector of Bermondsey. At the Restoration he was created D.D. and had the deanery of Armagh and an Irish bishopric offered to him, both of which he refused; but accepted a canonry of Armagh. He remained vicar of Camberwell almost thirty-eight years, and was greatly beloved and followed. Wood, in his quaint way, says, “He was so constant and ready a preacher at Camberwell, that his preaching being generally approved, he broke two conventicles thereby in his neighbourhood; that is to say, that by his out-vying the Presbyterians and Independents in his extemporarian preaching, their auditors would leave them, and flock to Mr. Parr.” All who speak of him indeed concur in what is inscribed on his monument, that “he was in preaching, constant : in life, exemplary: in piety and charity, most eminent: a lover of peace and hospitality: and, in fine, a true disciple of Jesus Christ.” He died at Camberwell, November 2, 1691, and was buried in the church-yard, where the above monument was erected to his memory. His wife died before him. Dr. Parr wrote “Christian Reformation; being an earnest persuasion to the speedy practice of it: proposed to all, but especially designed for the serious consideration of his dear kindred and countrymen of the county of Cork in Ireland, and the people of Ryegate and Camberwell in Surrey,” London 1660, 8vo. He published also three occasional sermons; but the most valuable of his publications was his "Life of Archbishop Usher,” prefixed to that prelate's Letters, printed in folio, 1686. It is the most ample account we have of Usher; and few men could have enjoyed better opportunities of knowing his real character.