O'BRIEN. edition of that poet's works. Earl Nugent died October 13, 1788. Lord Orford says that Earl Nugent “was of those men of parts whose dawn was the brightest moment of a long life; and who, though possessed of different talents, em ployed them in depreciating his own fame, and destroying a l l opinion o f his judgment, except i n the point o f raising himself t o honours. He was first known by the noble ode o n his own conversion from popery; yet, strong a s was the energy and reasoning i n i t , his arguments operated but temporary conviction o n himself, for h e died a member o f the church h e had exposed s o severely.” A volume o f his poems was published anonymously by Dodsley, entitled, “Odes and Epistles,” 1739; and there are several o f his pieces t o b e found i n the “New Found ling Hospital for Wit.” THOMAS NUGENT, A Miscellaneous writer, compiler, and translator, was a native o f Ireland, but few particulars o f his life are known. He appears t o have resided the greater part o f his life i n London, and t o have been employed by the booksellers. I n 1765, h e had the degree o f LL.D. conferred upon him b y the university o f Aberdeen. I n 1766, h e travelled the Continent t o collect materials for his “History o f Vandalia,” which was published i n three vols. 4to, i n 1776. He also translated Burlamaqui's Prin ciples o f Politic Law;” the Abbé Condillac's “Essay on Human Knowledge;” and Henault’s “ Chronological Abridgment o f the History o f France.” He died a t his apartments i n Gray’s-inn-lane, April 27, 1772, leaving behind him the character o f a man o f learning and consi derable industry. WILLIAM O'BRIEN, An actor o f some celebrity i n h i s day, was descended from a n ancient and respectable Irish family, and appeared