S87 It would be tedious ( i f i t were possible) t o give a list o f those publications which raised him t o the highest pin nacle o f popularity. They consisted chiefly o f periodical papers, addresses t o the citizens o f Dublin, and pamphlets o n passing events, evincing the strong powers o f his mind, and the independent firmness o f his public spirit. He was thrice married, and had children b y a l l his wives; and i t i s related o f him, that o n the wedding night o f his last wife, who was a remarkably fine woman, h e was s o crip pled with the gout, that h e was obliged t o b e lifted into bed. He died o n the 4th o f November, 1771, leaving behind him the character o f a man, whom, from his first entrance into political life, n o promises o r offers could seduce from untainted patriotism, i n which particular, unfortunately for Ireland, h e has been more admired than imitated b y his countrymen. His funeral was attended b y the lord mayor and corporation i n full costume, toge ther with a l l the most distinguished characters then i n the metropolis; and a statue o f white marble was erected t o his memory i n a niche i n the grand staircase o f the Royal Exchange. HENRY LUTTEREL, A celebrated mezzotinto engraver, was born i n Dublin about the year 1650. He came early t o London, and was bred t o the law i n New Inn; but having a predilection for the arts, h e abandoned the profession, and applied himself t o painting portraits i n crayons. He possessed a n inven tive mind, and observing the admiration excited b y the new art o f engraving i n mezzotinto, h e felt desirous o f discovering the process, and contrived the means o f laying the grounds with a roller, which succeeded t o a certain degree, but not t o his satisfaction. At this time, the mez zotintos o f Blooteling were i n great repute, and Lutterel persuaded his friend Lloyd, a printseller, t o bribe a per son o f the name o f Du Blois, who used t o lay the grounds for Blooteling, and who was then returning t o Holland, t o