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JUMPER. action, in which he had thirty men killed, twenty-five wounded, the major part of them mortally. On the 23rd of September, this career of success was somewhat checked; having, during his chase of a large French ship, carried away his foretop-mast, and foretop-gallant-mast; his anta gonist, drawing courage from this misfortune, tacked and bore down upon him; but on Captain Jumper receiv ing him with a hearty broadside, disliking so rough a salutation, he betook himself to immediate flight, the disabled state of the Weymouth preventing her from pursuing. In May 1695, he captured two privateers; and, on the 19th of July, he fell in with a large one from St. Maloes, pierced for forty-eight guns, and carrying thirty-six. Being of much larger dimensions than the Weymouth herself, and the French commander a man of considerable gallantry, a very spirited contest ensued; but the enemy having lost a l l their masts and a considerable number o f men, were a t length compelled t o surrender. I n Novem ber, h e captured another large privateer; having i n the interval taken several very valuable prizes. The rapid tide o f success, which, with few exceptions, had s o long attended him, was interrupted i n the follow ing month, b y a very melancholy private misfortune. As h e was coming o n shore a t Plymouth, i n company with his wife, and Captain Smith o f the Portland, the pinnace overset, and Captain Smith, a s well a s Mrs. Jumper, unhappily lost their lives. As soon a s h e had i n some degree recovered from this shock, Captain Jumper put t o sea, and captured, i n February, a large privateer, and several other prizes o f inferior consequence. He con tinued, during the whole o f this year, i n the same kind o f service; and i n the beginning o f December, captured a French ship o f war, mounting forty-eight guns, which, having struck o n a rock during the engagement, sunk soon afterwards. On the 22nd o f the same month, h e fell i n with a ship o f war, mounting fifty guns, which h e i n a l l probability would have taken, had not considerable damage

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