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HUTCHINSON. their minds during the years of adolescence, in a manner suited to f i t them for intercourse i n their appropriate rank o f society. To such students the polite accomplish ments were more a n object than abstruse learning o r pro found science. Those accomplishments, necessary t o gentlemen, must b e acquired a t some time. The Irish me tropolis has presented few, and but very detached and imper fect means for such acquirements. The academic grove, o r park, a t the rear o f the university, allowed n o other sources o f recreation o r amusement, but leaping and football; amusements which, however conducive t o manly vigour, robust health, and rude agility, were but i l l calculated t o form gentlemanly manners, o r graceful deportment. Horsemanship, fencing, music, drawing, dancing, and modern languages, had n o place within the university;— indeed, they were almost proscribed within i t s walls; where every thing incompatible with the austerities o f study was discountenanced b y the fellows, and could only b e acquired out o f doors, a t a very heavy expense from occasional and very incompetent masters, besides expos ing the pupils t o the risk o f improper intercourse and vulgar association. This was a defect i n the Irish sys tem o f academical education, sensibly felt by the parents o f pupils. I t had b y n o means escaped the notice o f Mr. Hutchinson, and, t o remedy that defect, was one o f his first objects. He thought i t much more eligible t o afford t o young gentlemen, within the walls o f the univer sity, the means o f acquiring every accomplishment neces sary t o their rank, under approved and skilful masters, than leave them t o seek a t random elsewhere for irregular and imperfect instruction, o r b e exposed t o the tempta tion o f spending their hours o f amusement a t taverns, billiard rooms, o r gaining tables; instead o f attaching them t o more eligible intercourse within their college, and occu pying their minds, i n the hours o f relaxation from learned studies, b y attractions really conducive t o their personal improvement. Indeed, the system o f college discipline for a long series

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