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HUTCHINSON. great length with equal force of argument, and earnestness” of persuasion. His attention, however, was not confined to the pupils under his own immediate care; he endea voured to be useful to the students in all the different faculties; and was peculiarly solicitous to be serviceable to those in divinity. He was a valuable member of the university in a l l other respects, a s well a s that o f professor; his great abilities qualifying him, and his zeal prompting him, o n a l l occasions, t o promote i t s civil a s well a s literary interests. A firm constitution, with pretty uniform state o f good health, excepting some slight attacks o f the gout, seemed t o promise the world a long enjoyment o f his valuable life; but he died o f a sudden attack o f that disease i n his fifty-third year, i n 1747. He had married soon after his settling i n Dublin, Mrs. Mary Wilson, the daughter o f a gentleman i n the county o f Longford, by whom h e had a son, Francis Hutcheson, M.D. who published from the original MS. o f his father, “A System o f Moral Philosophy,” i n three books, Glas gow, 1755, 2 vols. 4to. To this work i s prefixed, “Some Account o f the Life, Writings, and Character o f the Author,” b y Dr. Leechman, professor o f divinity i n the same university. Dr. Hutcheson acquired a lasting fame b y his acade mical lectures; and he did a n inestimable benefit t o moral science, b y diffusing a taste for analytical investigation, t o which the world i s indebted for the highly esteemed works of those authors mentioned at the commencement o f this article, by means o f whose labours this branch o f philosophy has since made s o remarkable a n advance IIlent. JOHN HELY HUTCHINSON, An eminent lawyer and senator, was the son o f Francis Hely, Esq. and received his education i n the university o f Dublin. A t a very early period, h e distinguished him

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