HIFFERNAN. found his favourite work excluded from a place in the exhibition, or wanted his piece puffed through the papers, Hiffernan was “the lord of infamy or praise.” If any player took dudgeon at his manager or rival brother, our author's pen was ready to defend him; and if any person, as a candidate for the stage, wanted instruction or recommen dation, who so f i t a s Hiffernan, the great scholar and tra velled man, the writer o f plays himself, the intimate friend, and occasional scourge, o f both managers and actors, t o instruct them i n the elements o f their intended profession ? When a candidate for the stage was first announced b y the waiter t o Dr. Hiffernan, the doctor never rose from his seat, but drawing the pipe which h e smoked from his mouth, gave a slight inclination o f the head, and desired him t o s i t down; h e then listened very attentively t o the novice's account o f himself, his studies, and line o f pre tensions, but then gave n o opinion; h e reserved himself for a private meeting the next night a t the Black Lion, Russell-street, o r some other favourite ale-house; and, i f the candidate wished t o d o “ the civil thing,” b y his preceptor, i.e., offered t o pay the reckoning, the doctor was not i n the least offended, but o n the contrary, consi dered i t a s the perquisite o f his own superiority. When they met o n the next night, the preliminaries o f business were opened, which first began b y the doctor's explaining his terms, which were, a guinea entrance, another guinea for instruction, and two guineas more t o b e paid o n his getting a n engagement a t either o f the London theatres; a l l this being settled, and the doctor having pocketed his first guinea, h e began b y attentively eyeing the height and figure o f the performer, and, i n order t o ascertain this with mathematical precision, h e pulled out a six-inch rule, which h e carried about him o n these occasions, and measured him against the wainscot. I f the candidate happened t o b e very tall, “to b e sure that was not s o well; but then Barry was a s tall, and nobody objected t o his theatrical abilities.” I f h e was short, “that