GRATTAN. inch we are driven into our trenches by a victorious ene my. It is now necessary to change our system of action, and to come forth with the power of the constitution to punish the enemies thereof. We call this House, whose foundation the minister now undermines, to witness that we are compelled to this, and that these men have, by a multiplication and repetition of plunder, prodigality, cor ruption, insult, outrage, and misdemeanours, brought forth at last the reluctant justice of the nation. The great influences, which the philosopher tells you, are necessary to bind together the moral system, are wanting here. The influence of opinion, of future and sublunary punish ment: the two first the ministers disregard; be it our province to introduce into this region the last, that his majesty's ministers may be sensible there is a vindictive justice, and that there is in this country a power compe tent to inflict that justice upon them. Gentlemen come over to this country for a livelihood, and they find servants, who, like themselves, look to government for nothing but a livelihood, and this alliance, that does not include an idea of public care or duty, they call an administration; but it is our task to interrupt this venal commerce by impeachment. Had the people of England only con demned ship-money, they had done nothing. No, they brought forth to public punishment the projectors, they exhibited the malefactor at the bar of the nation. The in juries you have suffered, demand a spectacle of that kind; a state offender kneeling at the bar of the Lords, and impeached in the name, and on behalf of the Commons of this realm. I therefore move you, “‘That a select committee be appointed to inquire, in the most solemn manner, whether the late or present administration, have entered into any corrupt agreement with any person or persons, to recommend such person or persons to his majesty as f i t and proper t o b e b y him made peers o f this realm, i n consideration o f such person o r persons giving certain sums o f money t o b e laid out i n Procuring the return o f members t o serve i n parliament,