GOLDSMITH. elected one of the earliest members of the Literary Club, which had just been instituted by Johnson, Garrick, Burke, Sir Joshua Reynolds, &c. and he was introduced to the favourable acquaintance of several persons of supe rior rank and talents. The outline of this poem had been formed in Switzerland; but he had polished it with great care and attention prior to i t s publication. His roving disposition, however, had not yet deserted him. He had for some time been meditating o n a design o f penetrating into the interior o f Asia, and investigating the remains o f ancient learning, grandeur, and manners; and h e had ap plied t o Lord Bute for a salary t o enable him t o execute his plan. His application passed unnoticed, for h e was then unknown
and after his publication o f the Traveller, although h e sometimes talked o f this project, h e appears t o have entirely relinquished i t . “Of a l l men,” said Dr. Johnson, “Goldsmith i s the most unfit t o g o out o n such a n inquiry; for h e i s utterly ignorant o f such arts a s we already possess, and consequently would not know what would b e a n accession t o our present stock o f mechanical knowledge; h e would bring home a grinding barrow, and think that he had furnished a wonderful improve ment.” Among other noblemen t o whose acquaintance this poem introduced our author, was Lord Nugent, afterwards Earl o f Clare, b y whose unsolicited friendship, h e ob tained a n introduction t o the Earl o f Northumberland, then lord-lieutenant o f Ireland. “I was invited,” says Goldsmith, “to wait upon the Duke, i n consequence o f the satisfaction h e had received from the perusal o f one o f my productions. I dressed myself i n the best manner I could; and, after studying some compliments I thought necessary o n such a n occasion, proceeded o n t o Northum berland House, and acquainted the servants that I had particular business with his grace. They shewed me into a n anti-chamber, where, after waiting some time, a gentle man very elegantly dressed, made his appearance: taking him for the Duke, I delivered a l l the fine things I had