of the richest provinces of the Mogul empire, containing a population of at least ten millions. So vast an acquisition of territory, demanded a complete change in the constitution of the Company. The abuse of power, inseparable from it's uncontrolled possession, was never more fully evinced than in this instance; the servants of the Company, exempt from any control, or, at most, subject to that of the mayor's court of Calcutta, which had assumed the supreme judicial power, but whose impotence and corruption rendered it of little avail, committed with im punity the most flagrant outrages on the persons and property of the defenceless natives. The exertions of a few of better principles to stem the torrent of licentiousness which cast a deep stain on the English name, proving ineffectual, and complaints of the most disgraceful oppressions daily reaching England, it was at length determined that these newly acquired dominions should be placed under the control of our Government. A bill was therefore passed, which, besides regulating the government of the Company at home, abolished the jurisdiction of the mayor's court, and restricting it to small mercantile causes, to which it had originally been confined; established in it's place a supreme court of judicature, consisting of a chief justice, and three puisne judges, and vested the government of Bengal in a governor-general and council, with a superiority over the other Indian presidencies.
In order to counteract the influence of the governor general, Mr. Hastings, it was deemed necessary to constitute a majority of the council of known integrity and talents; and accordingly, Sir John Clavering, the commander-in-chief, Colonel Monson, and Mr. Francis, were selected for this important trust, and, together with Mr. Barwell, formed the council appointed by the bill. These gentlemen, immediately on their arrival at Calcutta, set about effecting the most salutary changes, and were proceeding to accomplish a thorough reform in every department of the administration, when unfortunately, their