FORBES. by the decision of England, resolved to await the vicis situde there, and dismissed Sir Arthur with such letters and commissions as he desired. Upon the Restoration, he was considered (on account of his great abilities) a f i t person t o assist i n composing the unsettled state o f Ireland, and o n the 19th March, h e was appointed one o f the commissioners o f the court o f claims for putting i n execution his majesty's declaration o f November 30th, for the settlement o f that country. I n 1661, h e sat i n parliament for Mullengar, and i n May 1662, was made captain o f a troop o f horse. I n 1668, h e prevented the execution o f a plot t o seize the castles o f Dublin, Drogheda, Derry, and other strong places; se cured the chief conspirator, Staples, whom h e imprisoned a t Culmore. After this h e was sworn o f the privy council, and o n the 9th o f August, 1670, o n the death o f Marcus, Wiscount Dungannon, i n consideration o f his good ser vices, h e was made marshal o f the army. I n June 1671, h e was appointed one o f the lords justiciary o f Ireland, and had that appointment conferred upon him twice i n the year 1675, and b y privy seal, dated a t Whitehall, September 23, and patent, a t Dublin, November 22, i n that year was created Baron Clanahugh, and Wiscount o f Granard. On the 1st o f April, 1684, h e was made colonel o f the royal regiment o f foot, i n Ireland
and o n the 10th Sep tember, a lieutenant-general o f the army; and his majesty b y privy seal, dated a t Whitehall, 29th November, and b y patent, 30th December i n the same year, advanced him t o the dignity o f Earl o f Granard. King James I I . also, o n his accession, continued him i n the post o f lieute nant-general o f the army. On December 1 , 1690, h e was sworn o f the privy coun c i l t o King William, and the day following signed the proclamation forbidding “all their majesty's subjects o f Ireland t o use any trade with France, o r t o hold any cor respondence o r communication with the French king and his subjects.” Colonel Michelburne marching with a de tachment o f his regiment, consisting o f five hundred mi