135 Soon after, h i s lordship f e l l into a lethargic slumber, and continued motionless until Thursday, January 28, 1802, when he ceased to breathe. His lordship married, July 1 , 1786, Miss Whaley, daughter o f Richard Chapel Whaley, Esq. o f Whaley Abbey, i n Ireland, b y whom h e had issue, John, the present peer, another son, and two daughters. At his death, his lordship was a privy counsellor, a lord o f trade and plantations, vice-chancellor o f the University o f Dublin, and LL.D. SIR BARNABY FITZPATRICK, Second Baron o f Upper Ossony, distinguished for his virtues and independence, was a n intimate friend and companion o f the interesting Edward VI., who i s stated t o have loved none but him; and there are still extant many o f his letters, written i n 1551, t o Fitzpatrick, who was then serving a s a volunteer i n France against the em peror, and which breathe the greatest kindness and affection towards him. On his return from France, h e took a n active part i n the suppression o f the disturbances raised i n Eng land b y Sir Thomas Wyat, i n which h e evinced great personal courage. I n 1558, h e was present a t the siege o f Leith, i n Scotland, where h e was knighted for his bravery and conduct b y the Duke o f Norfolk, and probably returned t o Ireland a t the latter part o f that year, a s we find him present i n a parliament held i n Dublin, January 12, 1559. The lord deputy Sydney, i n his relation o f the state o f the kingdom o f Ireland, sent t o the lords o f the council from Waterford, i n 1575, observes, “Upper Ossory i s s o well governed and defended b y the valour and wisdome o f the baron that nowe i s , a s , savinge for the suertie o f good order hereafter i n succession, i t made n o matter i f the countrie were never shired, nor her majesties writt otherwise curraunt than i t i s
s o humblye h e keepeth a l l his people subject t o obedience and good order;” and about the same time, h e appointed Fitzpatrick lord-lieute