Romæ, 1653, 12mo.7. "Controversæ et Stratagemata", Lugduni, 1656, 8vo.8. "Scotus Defensus," Coloniæ, 1662, folio.9. "Cursus Philosophicus," Coloniæ, 1664, folio.10. "Epistolæ Familiares Paræneticæ," &c. These are among his 11. "Opuscula varia Herbipoli," 1666, folio.12. "Theologia," Paris, 1676, 6 vols.13. "Johannes Duns Scotus, ordinis minorum, Doctor subtilis de Angelis contra adversantes defensus, nunc quoque Novitate amplificatus," Florentiæ, 1678.14. "Annales Ordinis S. S. Trinitatis Redemptionis Captivorum, Fundatoribus S. S. Johanne de Matha, et Felice de Valois," in . . vols. folio. The first volume was printed at Rome, in 1686, and. begins with the year 1198, in which Pope Innocent III. gave habit to the founders, and is carried down to the year 1297, just one hundred years. In this volume we have an account of the foundations of their convents, their privileges, and benefactions, the eminent fathers of their order, their miracles and actions; as also, the number of slaves delivered by them from bondage.
An eminent landscape painter, was born in that part of the city of Dublin, called the Liberty, in the year 1728. He was a self-taught genius, and, like his countryman the celebrated Hugh Kelly, was apprenticed to a staymaker. How long he remained in this situation is not known, but his first attempt in art was in the humble line of print-colouring, in which he was employed by one Silcock, who resided then in Nicholas street, Dublin: from this trifling commencement, he rose to considerable powers as a landscape painter, and at a very early period attended the drawing academy of Mr. West. He was introduced by his protector, Mr. Burke, to the patronage of the Earl of Powerscourt, where he passed the greater part of his youth in studying and designing the sublime and beautiful scenery around Powerscourt park; and about