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sought after by many, of the first literary characters of the country in which he, had fixed his abode., Among others who esteemed, him as a friend, and., companion, may be mentioned the celebrated president Montesquieu, whose strong partiality for the laws and constitution of Eogland, was owing, in a great measure, to the information derived from, this gentleman, and wbo, on Mr. Black's retiring BLACK from trade to , his native country, expressed the, most friendly sentiments of regret, for the loss be was about to sustain, in several letters which are still preserved by that gentleman's family. The earlier years of the life of ,Joseph Black were passed at his father's house at Bourdeaux, where he was attended : by proper masters to instruct, him in the rudi- ments of the usual branches of education. His father, haweiver, desirous thät he should be educated as a British sabject, sent bim at the age of twelve to Belfast, where he continued till 1746. Being now required to make choice of a profession, hei preferred that of medicine, the studies connected with that science being most con- genial to hisi dispositioni In consequence of tbis deter- mination, he was sent at ithe age of eighteenotor the uni- versity of Glasgow, where he arrived and commencedohis studies at the time that Dr. Cullen had just entered on his career as professor of chemistry.M The gigantic powers of mind which that great man possessed, quickly became sensible of the low state in which chemical knowledge then existed ; he felt conscious of his strength, and en- tered the lists with an ardourwhich raised the attention of the students at the university, and inspired them with a portion of that zeal for the impro vement of the science with which himself was actuated Delighted with the study, which, under the auspices of this great man, was gradually rising to the rank of a liberal science; yeung Black attached himself with so much attention 'to the professor, that Cullen, who took great

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