are found in the monuments (Birt. Buchrolle, pp. 12, 15, etc.). After the Exodus the Egyptian library history touches the Biblical history indirectly at many points of contact between Egypt and Bible lands. It touches e.g. in Solomon's Egyptian marriage. It touches again with extraordinary bibliographical interest in the matter of the Jewish colony at Elephantine whose documents of about 500 B.C. with the broken clay cases which contained them, have just been unearthed. It touches again in the Ptolemaic rule of Palestine, in the Septuagint and in New Testament times. The archival practice of Ptolemaic and Roman times in Egypt have many features which are linked by continuous chains back to the Viziership of Rekhmire, before the Exodus, while the temple libraries of the later times, Denderah and Edfu, date back to still earlier times and reveal a continuous tradition. In the matter of con-