a few tablets were still remaining, showing that this treasury had been used for tablets as well as other treasures before 2750 (3800) B.C. The ledges are often mentioned in connection with other places but here we have a concrete example, of the earliest date, of what a treasury library really was like. The treasure room was 32 feet long by 7 feet wide and between 5 and 6 feet high with ledges running around at a height apparently of about 2½ feet. The remaining walls are only 3 feet high but must have been to begin with "between 5 feet and 6 feet" or more likely 7 feet or more. Not the least interesting thing about it is the fact that it is interpreted by another similar treasure room directly above and resting on the ruins of this. This upper room which was built on the lower sometime before 2500 B.C. (3500?) is 36 feet long and 11½ feet wide and 8½ feet deep. "It had, some 2½ feet above the floor of