they may be true, are not yet quite history and never will be if the critics can help it. It is one thing to be true, another thing to be believed to be true and yet another to be history. Moreover many other things are related of Biblical persons and times which are not in the Bible, some true and many which could not be true even if they were in the Bible. Some of them are in some Bibles (i.e. the Apocrypha of the Septuagint and Vulgate) some are in Josephus and the more or less credible secular historians such as Berosus and many are in Talmudic sources or in that wild riot of pseudepigraphic Greek and Latin literature of Hellenic and Early Christian times. This latter literature especially fills in the missing detail of early Genesis with unstinting hand and contributes more alleged detail of the libraries before history began, than was known of real libraries, up to very recently, for three