Scribe of the king's writings, 61.
Scribe of the records, 70.
Scribe of the recorders, 65.
Scriptorum, 145.
Scriptures, 225, 226.
Secretaries of the public documents, 154.
Seleucus Nicator, 137, 138, 139.
Semitic foreigners, 66.
Senezemib, 61.
Senmuth, 64, 68.
Sepher, 141.
Sephur, 88.
Septuagint, 72, 144, 163.
Serapeion, 165.
Serapis, 165.
Seshait, 59, 70, 90.
Sesostris I, 61, 62.
Sesostris II, 62.
Seven churches of Asia, 201.
Seventy Elders, 81.
Sharuhan, 192.
Shechem, 55, 101.
Shelf list, 129.
Shelves, 129, 221.
Shiloh, 101.
Shirpurla, 43.
Sidon, 84.
Siloam inscription, 123.
Simon, 171.
Sippara, 20, 43, 44, 46, 50, 89, 232.
Siut, 65.
Skins, 142, 143, 144.
Slaves, 80.
Smyrna, 199, 202.
Snefru, 60.
Soclarus, Flavius, 204.
Socrates, 156.
Soli, 202.
Solomon, 115, 124.
Solomon s porch, 187, 188, 189, 190.
Solon, 150, 151, 159.
Sparta, 154.
Spoils of war, 205.
State slaves, 210.
Statues, 217.
Stela, 105.
Stoas, 177, 203.
Stoics, 203.
Storage room, 175, 213, 223, 224.
Store houses, 44, 65.
Strabo, 163.
Study rooms, 224.
Succoth, 102.
Sulla, 181, 205.