entrance to which was a great door 12 feet wide opening into the semicircular reading room, the statue of Minerva was directly opposite the door in a niche about 6 feet wide by a yard deep.
All around the room 20 inches from the ground a ledge ran 2 feet wide. Two steps led up to this. Above this ledge 30 inches high were the niches 4 feet wide and 20 inches deep, four on each side. Each of these was flanked by pilasters and in front of these were stone columns 18 inches through on square bases 22 inches high.
The height of the columns between the niches being nearly 12 feet, it is supposed that they supported a gallery with balustrade, having another series of bookcases but it looks on the face of it as if it was more likely window space above. An important difference to the library at Ephesus, which this so much resembles is, it is said, the reservation of adjoining stor-