106-7, and who was buried under the library. It was erected by his son Titus Julius Aquila. There is no ground for connecting this Aquila with the Jewish Aquila who lived for a time at Rome and returned to Ephesus to live about 67 A.D., but it will serve for a chronologic link to note that the two Aquilas may have been living at Ephesus at the same time.
The Library stands to the southeast of the Greek market place from which five steps, about 59 feet wide, led up through a richly decorated two-story façade with three doors into a book-room 50 feet wide by 36 feet deep. Opposite the door is an apse 15 feet wide.
The whole height of the building was about 52 feet. There are said to have been three rows of the wall cases one above the other, although, it is said, the decoration of the pillars suggest only two stories, over which there was probably a