"when there is a chest full of books in a man's sleeping room, it should be kept at the head and not at the foot of the bed". If a man takes a double saddle bag full of books with him, etc., "a house which is full of books," "one must not sit down on a seat where there is a Book of the Law lying."
The school child's collection contained besides small rolls, the Book (the Torah), the Prophets, the Hagiographa and these collections are spoken of in the plural as Books; on the other hand however the child's" is spoken of in the singular in the famous passage, where it is said that in the wars of Hadrian during a massacre of innocents, each child was wrapped up in his own book and burned. However it may have been in New Testament times, by the year 200 A.D. at all events, it was well understood that every child had at least his own book.
In the time of Jerome when certainly