those at Boghaz Keuei, or a house within a house as at Edfu is perhaps guesswork in the total lack of remains at Hammadan but a little study of the ground plans of Persepolis (and Susa) and Diodorus' account of Persepolis, where the citadel contained many sumptuous residences and treasuries (plural), suggest that it may possibly have been a separate building or "a structure of stone built in the house of King Darius" like the eighteen windowed building in the palace of Darius there described by its inscription. The archive at Ecbatana was not the only Persian royal archive at this time, nor the only Persian archive known to the Old Testament. The language and context implies that various treasuries with their Houses of books were searched before the roll was found. The Greek version of Ezra with the Greek and Latin of 1 (3) Esdras assert this and what is known from the history and practice of