yet the circumstances point to the truth of this.
In later days the treasury was to contain the still greater spoils which Alexander brought there from Susa ($60,000,000), Persepolis ($138,000,000), and Pasagardae, and some of this was doubtless merely returning to this treasury the very gold and silver which was lying laid up there when Cyrus laid up in another room or building of the treasury this roll, and Darius had it found, for Persepolis and Pasagardae were largely built up by Cyrus and Susa by Darius, out of the treasures gathered in Ecbatana.
The building of these other cities is sometimes represented as having been paid for out of the spoils of Ecbatana but this must be a mistake for splendid building in Ecbatana also went on, and it was in the meantime that the amazing new palace at the foot of the citadel was built. The Biblical account of the gold and