guage with a few in Mitannian. They are from various princes and Egyptian officers in Syria and give the story of events thus both from the point of view of the Amorite princes and the Egyptian officials. They imply some archival system at each of the points of origin and evidence thus at least a dozen, while they imply scores of such places in Syria or Palestine proper.
The two archives unearthed by Winckler at Boghaz Keuei are described by Puchstein. The citadel archive (p. 259) consisted of two rooms on a court with a corridor leading to the rooms. It belongs to a series of buildingsāpalace or temple but is itself a building. Its preservation is largely due to its having been burned, the fire hardening the soft material. Wood was apparently used for floor, roof, and even perhaps walls. The greater part of the tablets were found here or on the hillside below.