If it proves to be the fact that the invasion of Palestine by Hebrews about 1400 B.C. is the same invasion as that related in Joshua and Judges, what is already the most famous invasion in history becomes the best evidenced, for it is a four-cornered affair which we have told and retold from each of the four standpoints in the Ring and the Book fashion (though to be sure without quite the same fullness and particularity) and in original documents. As a matter of library history it is quite unexampled that for a particular series of events concerning Egyptians, Hittites, Amorites and Hebrews, there should have been discovered archival documents from each party (originals in three cases) and not merely that, but actual remains in three cases of the buildings in which these records were kept. These documents, were at Amarna in Egypt, Lachish and Taanach in Palestine (the Egyptian and Amorite versions) and at Boghaz Keuei