26 The English Scholar’s Library.
1 6. Captain John Smith, President of Virginia , and Admiral of New 'England, WORK S. — 1608-1631. A complete edition, with six facsimile plates. Occasion was taken, in the preparation of this Edition, dispassionately to test the Author’s statements. The result is perfectly satisfactory. The Lincoln- shire Captain is to be implicity believed in all that he relates of his own personal knowledge. The following are the chief Texts in this Volume : — (1.) A true Relation of Occurences in Virginia. 1608. (2.) A Map of Virginia. 1612. (3.) A Description of New England. 1616. (4.) New England’s Trials. 1620 and 1622. (5.) The History of Virginia, New England, and Bermuda. 1624. (6.) An Accidence for young Seamen. 1626. (7.) His true Travels, Adventures, and Observations. 1630. (8.) Advertisements for Planters in New England, or anywhere. 1631. The first Three English Books on America. [? 151 i]-i555. This Work is a perfect Encyclopaedia respecting the earliest Spanish and English Voyages to America. Small Paper Edition, 456 pp., in One Volume , Demy 4I0, £1, is. Large Paper Edition , in One Volume , Royal 4 to, £3, 3s, The Three Books are — (1.) Of the new landes, etc. Printed at Antwerp about 15 11. This is the first English book in which the word America [i. e. , Armonica] occurs . (2.) A Treatise of the new India, etc. Translated by Richard Eden from Sebastian Muenster’s Cosmography: and printed in 1553. The Second English Book on America, (3.) The Decades of the New World, etc., by Pietro Martire [Petrus Martyr], translated by Richard Eden, and printed in 1555. The Third English Book on America, Shakespeare obtained the character of Caliban from this Work. A List of 837 London Publishers, i 553 - l6 +°- This Master Key to English Bibliography for the period also gives the approximate period that each Publisher was in business. Demy , 4 to, 32 pp., 10 s, 6d. net.