The English Scholar s Library , 4 - [Simon Fish, of Gray's Inn.] A Supplica- tion for THE Beggars. [? 1529.] A Supplicacyon for the Beggars , Stated by J. Fox to have been distributed in the streets of London on Candlemas Day [2 Feb. 1529]. This is the Fifth Protestant book (not being a portion of Holy Scripture) that was printed in the English Lan- guage. The authorship of this anonymous tract, is fixed by a passage in Sir T. More’s Apology y of 1533, quoted in the Introduction. 5 - [Rev. John Udall, Minister at Kingston on Thames.] Diotrephes. [1588.] The state of the Church of Englande , laid open in a con- ference betweene Dio- trephes a Byshopp , T ertullus a Papiste^ DEMETRIUS<37ZZtfZ/r£r, Pandochus an Inne- keeper , and Paule a preacher of the word of God , This is the forerunning tract of the Martin Marpre LATE Controversy. For the production of it, Robert Waldegrave, the printer, was ruined; and so became available _ for the printing of the Martinist invectives. The scene of the Dialogue is in Pandochus’s Inn, which is in a posting-town on the high road from London to Edinburgh. 6 . The Return from Parnassus. [Acted 1602.] 1606. The Returne from Pernassus : or The Scourge of Simony . Publiquely acted by the Students in Saint Johns Colledge in Cambridge, This play, written by a University man in December 1601, brings William Kemp and Richard Burbage on to the Stage, and makes them speak thus : “ Kemp. Few of the vniuer- sity pen plaies well, they smell too much of that writer Ouid and that writer Metamor - phosis, and talke too much of Proserpina and Iuppiter. Why herees our fellow Shake - speare puts them all downe, I [Ay] and Ben Ionson too. O that Ben Ionson is a pestilent fellow, he brought vp Horace giuing the Poets a pill, but our fellow Shakespeare hath given him a purge that made him beray his credit : “ Burbage. It’s a shrewd fellow indeed : ” What this controversy be- tween Shakespeare and Jon- son was, has not yet been cleared up. It was evidently recent, when (in Dec. 1601) this play was written.