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WILLIAM HABING- TON. Castara. 1640. Castara. The third Edition . Corrected and augmented . Castara was Lady Lucy Herbert, the youngest child of the first Lord Powis; and these Poems were chiefly marks of affection during a pure courtship followed by a happy marriage. With these, are also Songs of Friendship, especially those referring to the Hon. George Talbot. In addition to these Poems, there are four prose Char- acters; on A Mistress , A Wife , A Friend , and The Holy Man. English Reprints. 23- ROGER ASCHAM. The School- master. 1570- The Scholemaster , or plaine and perfite way of teachyng chil- dren, to vnder stand, write, and speake , in Latin tong, but spe- cially purposed for the priuate brynging vp of youth in Ientlemen and Noble mens houses, &c. This celebrated Work con- tains the story of Lady Jane Grey’s delight in reading PLATO , an attack on the Italianated Englishman of the time, and much other in- formation not specified in the above title. In it, A.scham gives us very fully his plan of studying Languages, which may be described as the double trans- lation of a model book. 17 24. HENRY HOWARD, Earl of Surrey- Sir THOMAS WYATT. NICHOLAS GRIMALD. Lord VAUX. Tottel’s Miscellany. 5 June, 1557. Songes and Sonettes , written by the right honorable Lorde Henry Howard late Earle of Surrey, and other . With 39 additional Poems from the second edition by the same printer, Richard Tot- tel, of 31 July, 1557. This celebrated Collection is the First of our Poetical Miscellanies, and also the first appearance in print of any considerable number of Eng- lish Sonnets. Tottel in his Address to the Reader , says : “ That to haue wel written in verse, yea and in small par- celles, deserueth great praise, the workes of diuers Latines, Italians, and other, doeproue sufficiently. That our tong is able in that kynde to do as praiseworthely as ye rest, the honorable stile of the noble earle of Surrey, and the weightinesse of the depe- witted Sir Thomas Wyat the elders verse, with seuerall graces in sondry good Eng- lishe writers, doe show abun- dantly."

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