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12 English Reprints.

7 - ROGER ASCHAM. Toxophilus. 1544 - Toxophilus , Schole of Shootinge , conteyned in two bookes. To all Gentlemen and yomen of Eng- lande . , pleasaunte for theyr pastime to rede , profitable for theyr use to follow both in war and peace . In a dialogue between Toxophilus and Philo- LOG US, Ascham not only gives us one of the very best books on Archery in our language ; but as he tells King Henry VIII., in his Dedication, “ this litle treatise was purposed, begon, and ended of me, onelie for this intent, that Labour, Honest pastime, and Vertu might recouer againe that place and right, that Idlenesse, Un- thriftie Gaming, and Vice hath put them fro.” 8 . JOSEPH ADDISON. Criticism on Paradise Lost. I7II-I7I2. From the Spectator, being its Saturday issues between 31 December, 1711, and 3 May 1712. In these papers, which constitute a Primer to Paradise Lost , Addison first made known and inter- preted, to the general English public, the great Epic poem, which had then been published nearly half-a-century. After a general discussion of the Fable , the Characters , the Sentiments , the Lan- guage , and the Defects of Milton’s Great Poem ; the Critic devotes a Paper to the consideration of the Beauties of each of its Twelve Books. 9 - JOHN LYLY, Novelist , Wit , Poet , and Dramatist. Euphues. 1579-1580. Euphves, the An- atomy of Wit . Very pleasant for all Gentle- men to reade , and most necessary to remember . Wherein are con- teined the delights that Wit followeth in his youth, by the pleas ant- nesse of loue, and the happinesse he reapeth in age by the perfect- nesse of Wisedome . 1579 - Euphues and his England. Contain- ing his voyage and ad- uentures , myxed with sundry pretie dis- courses of honest Loue, the description of the countrey, the Court, and the ma7iners of that Isle . 158°. Of great importance in oue Literary History.

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