An English Garner. VOL. v. S?nall Paper . Cloth > 5^. net. English Political, Naval, and Military History, etc. etc. 1. J. Savile, King James’s Entertainment at Theobalds, and his Welcome to London. 1603. 2. G. Dugdale. The Time Triumphant. King James’s Coronation at Westminster, 25 July 1603 ; and Coronation Procession [delayed by the Plague], 15 March 1604. English Voyages, Travels, Commerce, etc. etc. 3. The Voyages to Brazil of William Hawkins, Governor of Plymouth and father of Sir John, about 1530. 4. Sir J. Hawkins. First Voyage to the West Indies, 1562-1563. This was the beginning of the English Slave Trade. 5. R. Bodenham. A Trip to Mexico. 1564-1565. 6. Sir J. Hawkins. Second Voyage to the West Indies. 1564-1565. 7. Sir J. Hawkins. Third and disastrous Voyage to the West Indies, 1567- 1569 : with the base treachery of the Spaniards at San Juan de Ulna, near Vera Cruz ; and the extraordinary adventures of Three of the Survivors. This was Drake’s 2nd Voyage to the West Indies ; and the first in which he commanded a ship, the Judith . 8. Sir F. Drake’s 3rd (1570), 4th (1571), and 5th (1572-73), Voyages to the West Indies. Especially the 5th, known as The Voyage to Nombre de Dios : in which, on 11 February 1573, he first saw the Pacific Ocean; and then be- sought GOD to give him life to sail once in an English ship on that sea. [See opposite page.] English Life and Progress. 9. B. Franklin. ‘Poor Richard’ improved. Proverbs of Thrift and to discourage useless expense. Philadelphia, 1757. English Poetry. 10. B. Barnes. Parthenophil and Parthenophe. Sonnets, Madrigals, Elegies and Odes. 1593. [A perfect Storehouse of Versification, including the only treble Sestine in our language.] 11. Zepheria. [Canzons.] 1594. 12. Sir J. Davies. Orchestra or a Poem on Dancing. 1596. 13. B. Griffin. Fidessa, more chaste than kind. [Sonnets.] 1596. 14. Sir J. Davies. Nosce teipsum! In two Elegies : (1) Of Human Know- ledge, (2) Of the Soul of Man and the Immortality thereof. 1599. 15. Sir J. Davies. Hymns of Astr^ea i . e . Queen Elizabeth.] In acrostic verse. 1599.