"He says they'll get the message right off, Auntie. Oh, I do hope he will get it in time. If he doesn't we'll have to stay over night there, won't we?"
"We may have to anyway," returned Miss Pearse dejectedly. "I don't believe this train will ever get to Boston. For my part, I think I'd quite as lief spend tonight in a comfortable bed at the hotel as on that train."
"But Gordon will be so disappointed, dear! It must have been frightfully dull for him at Groton. Why do you suppose they don't run that train from Sherbrooke to Quebec on Sundays? If we had left yesterday all this wouldn't have happened."
(Quebec! At last Wade knew where he was going!)
"My dear," replied her aunt irascibly, "If you'll tell me why the railroads in this part of the world do any of the silly things they do I'll be greatly obliged. Every time I travel in New England I make up my mind I'll never do it again! Do you realize