To follow Wade and Dave in their search for the red gown would be amusing but unnecessary. They found it at last after several defeats. When Dave learned the price he gasped with amazement. But he was game, and after the subject of size had been threshed out, the gown was paid for and the saleswoman was instructed to send it to the hotel. They decided to return uptown on foot, and so crossed to the Avenue and turned northward with the throng. Dave was out of cigars and when he spied a tiny tobacco shop sandwiched in between a florist's and a big marble-fronted jewelry emporium he made for it. Wade remained outside and sauntered along to the big plate-glass show window behind which was displayed a gold-plated dinner service. Dave rejoined him in a moment, stuffing big black cigars into his pocket. Wade accepted one and lighted it. Then they turned to resume their northward progress. And at that moment Fate took a hand again. "Wait!" exclaimed Wade. He pulled