sorts an' colors; darnin' cotton; thimble, solid silver; needle-case; darnin' ball to stick in the toe of a stockin', you know; that handle's silver, too; forget what the gal called them things, bubkins, I think it was. Feel that plush! Ain't that great? Reckon that's goin' some for Lone Mesa! An' wait till I show you the toys for the kids; I got enough to stock a toy-store; paint-box for Mollie, doll—see the darn cute little thing open it's eyes, will you? Listen! Hear that? 'Mommer,' just as plain! Stick your finger there and see. Ain't that foxy? That's a box of dishes no bigger 'n your thumb. An' here's a knife for Davy an' a soldier suit cap an' all. What they don't think of for kids ain't much, I'm tellin' you, partner. Why, blame me if I wasn't most wishin' I was a kid myseff when I got up there with all them toys! An' look here! What do you think o' that, eh? Ain't that cunnin'? An' here—" He fished around in his pockets and finally brought out a tiny package which he thrust