a fool woman to pass up a King and get dippy about a Jack?"
When the curtain went down Dave had a good many questions to ask and Wade was kept busy answering them, but that didn't prevent him from keeping his eyes on the divinity in the box. He wondered how old she was. It was hard to decide that. She might be eighteen or she might be twenty-two. But the matter of age didn't engage his curiosity long. The problem to be solved was: Who was she? Where did she live? How was he to meet her? For know her he must and love her he would! Various schemes for obtaining the information he desired, came and were rejected. In the end the only thing to do, so far as he could see, was to find out her name, if possible, from someone in the house. He would ask the ushers first, and for that he must wait for the next intermission. The lights sank and the girl in the box became an indistinct figure, only the ivory of her face and neck and arms showing wanly in the purplish gloom.