thunder storm. Those in his vicinity turned amused glances toward him and put their heads together; Wade heard the low hum of voices, the suppressed mirth. But the next instant he had forgotten them. In the nearest box, distant but a few yards, a girl had turned her face toward them. And such a face! Wade's heart sprang up ip his throat—or so it seemed—turned over twice quite deliberately and went floating, sinking back into place, leaving him dazed and breathless. The girl's dark eyes—violet-blue they looked to Wade—rested a moment on Dave, while the faintest flicker of sympathetic amusement lighted them, and then passed on to his companion. For an instant, a blissful, heart-stirring instant, the blue eyes looked straight into Wade's, very straightly, calmly, impersonally. Then the girl's gaze wandered past him, hovered a moment and returned for just the smallest fraction of time ere she turned her face toward the stage again. But in that second glance there had been a faint interest, a