fellow," said Gordon. "Did you go to college, sir?"
"Yes, Harvard; Lawrence Scientific; Class of 1901. I suppose your sister—Miss Burnett wasn't—er—especially curious about me?"
"Oh, no, sis isn't a crank," replied Gordon cheerfully. "It's just Aunt Mildred. Sis says it's because she was born in New England, but I suppose that's just a joke. I like New England, myself. Do you?"
"I think so; I used to."
"I'm going to Yale. That's in New England, too, isn't it? I don't see why Connecticut should be in New England and New York not; do you?"
"It does seem rather puzzling," said Wade.
"I wonder what time it is." Gordon produced a silver watch with a dangling leather fob adorned with the Groton seal. "Gee, it's most twelve. I'm awfully hungry, wish there was a dining car on, don't you? All they have here is baked beans