leastways, they didn’t stop; but maybe the next one will; you never can tell. I took the sign out of the window, though,” she added, apologetically. “It didn’t seem just the thing, although it was certainly printed just lovely. I was wondering if you’d mind doing me another one instead. I was making up my mind to ask you, in case you came back again, just when you crossed the street.”
“I’ll be glad to,” said Chub. “What shall I print?”
“Well,”—Mrs. Peel folded her arms and pursed her lips—“I’ve heard folks say that down to Washington Hills it’s hard to get waited on at that store, and that half the time they get short weight. I guess that’s how that fellow down there can sell as cheap as he does. I thought you might just put on the sign, ‘Prompt attention, honest prices, full measure.’ What do you think?”
“That’s lovely,” said Harry, “and it’s all true, too!”
“Well,” said Mrs. Peel, beaming at the compliment, “I always have held that it pays to